Saturday, March 1, 2025

MIUCB #76 Anything Goes + optional Layers / MIUCB # 75 Winner & Top Picks

 Hi everybody and welcome back to the Mix It Up Challenge Blog! Thanks to everyone who played in our last challenge! We really enjoyed seeing your projects, and your support of our challenges is much appreciated! So now let's announce our winners and top picks!

Our randomly chosen WINNER is
#4 Arlene

#83 Erika

And our TOP PICKS are
#1 Carol Gill
#16 Lou Z
#34 Carrie Ann Sheridan
#43 ~DEANNA~
#47 ArtMBR
#60 PaulineC
#80 Carole J1

Congratulations, everyone! Please grab your badge above and proudly display it on your blog!

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Our theme this month is Anything Goes + optional Layers
and here's some inspiration for you...

Be sure to read our Playing Guidelines above and check out the challenges going on at our sister challenge blogs! 

This challenge will run for six weeks, ending at 4:00 PM Mountain Time on the 15th of next month, so grab your papers, scissors and embellishments, and mix it up with us!

The Mixed Up Girls

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

MIUCB #75 Anything Goes + optional Monochrome / MIUCB #74 Winner & Top Picks

 Hi everybody and welcome back to the Mix It Up Challenge Blog and Happy New Year!  Thanks to everyone who played in our last challenge! We really enjoyed seeing your projects, and your support of our challenges is much appreciated! So now let's announce our winners and top picks!

Our randomly chosen WINNER is
#3 Taty

#22 Andree

And our TOP PICKS are
#6 EmmaT
#14 yvonne
#20 Cathy R
#49 Pat
#55 Erika
#64 MeSi

Congratulations, everyone! Please grab your badge above and proudly display it on your blog!

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Before we move on to this month's challenge, I want to address that the founder of this blog and a few other blogs, Leslie is stepping down from ownership to enjoy retirement with her husband a little more.  She will be still crafting away and we will get to enjoy her awesome projects in the crafting world. I have some big shoes to fill, but I have been with her since the beginning.  Big Hugs Leslie .... I hope you enjoy your retirement even more.  

Our theme this month is Anything Goes + optional Monochrome
and here's some inspiration for you...

Be sure to read our Playing Guidelines above and check out the challenges going on at our sister challenge blogs! 

This challenge will run for six weeks, ending at 4:00 PM Mountain Time on the 15th of next month, so grab your papers, scissors and embellishments, and mix it up with us!

The Mixed Up Girls

Friday, November 1, 2024

MIUCB #74 Anything Goes + optional Paper Piecing / MIUCB #73 Winner & Top Picks

Hi everybody and welcome back to the Mix It Up Challenge Blog! Thanks to everyone who played in our last challenge! We really enjoyed seeing your projects, and your support of our challenges is much appreciated! We have some exciting news to share - in addition to our randomly chosen winner (which gives everyone participating an equal chance of winning), we are introducing a new spotlight winner who is chosen on merit along with our top picks. So now let's announce our winners and top picks!

Our randomly chosen WINNER is
#11 elizabeth h

#3 Anet

And our TOP PICKS are
#5 MeSi
#14 Stephanie L
#33 Lou Z
#38 Marie Flayer

Congratulations, everyone! Please grab your badge above and proudly display it on your blog!

And we have one more bit of news to share - this is my last challenge as owner of the Mix It Up Challenge Blog, and Tina DeMarche will take over ownership effective January 1, 2025! While bittersweet for me, Tina has been my trusty side-kick since starting this challenge in mid 2017 and I couldn't be more excited about her taking over! She's going to be awesome so please join me in congratulating and welcoming Tina as the new challenge blog owner in January!

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Our theme this month is Anything Goes + optional Paper Piecing
and here's some inspiration for you...

two cards - two techniques!

Be sure to read our Playing Guidelines above and check out the challenges going on at our sister challenge blogs! 

This challenge will run for six weeks, ending at 4:00 PM Mountain Time on the 15th of next month, so grab your papers, scissors and embellishments, and mix it up with us!

The Mixed Up Girls

Sunday, September 1, 2024

MIUCB #73 Anything Goes + optional Smooshing / MIUCB #72 Winner & Top Picks

Hi everybody and welcome back to the Mix It Up Challenge Blog! Thanks to everyone who played in our last challenge! We really enjoyed seeing your projects, and your support of our challenges is much appreciated! So now let's announce our winner and top picks!

Our randomly chosen WINNER is
#30 priya

And our TOP PICKS are
#7 MeSi
#11 Cathy R
#21 Lisa :D

Congratulations, everyone! Please grab your badge above and proudly display it on your blog!

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Our theme this month is Anything Goes + optional Smooshing
and here's some inspiration for you...

Be sure to read our Playing Guidelines above and check out the challenges going on at our sister challenge blogs! 

This challenge will run for six weeks, ending at 4:00 PM Mountain Time on the 15th of next month, so grab your papers, scissors and embellishments, and mix it up with us!

The Mixed Up Girls

Monday, July 1, 2024

MIUCB #72 Anything Goes + optional Veggie Stamping / MIUCB #71 Winner & Top Picks

Hi everybody and welcome back to the Mix It Up Challenge Blog! Thanks to everyone who played in our last challenge! We really enjoyed seeing your projects, and your support of our challenges is much appreciated! So now let's announce our winner and top picks!

Our randomly chosen WINNER is
#24 EmmaT

And our TOP PICKS are
#13 Claudia's kaartjes
#21 Cathy R
#35 Melanie H.
#45 Arlene
#58 Jenny Martin
#75 Nelleke

Congratulations, everyone! Please grab your badge above and proudly display it on your blog!

Unfortunately, there were several additional entries in the gallery that would have been eligible for winner and/or top pick honors but they linked to our whole blog in their blog post rather than linking to our challenge as noted in our Playing Guidelines. 

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Our theme this month is Anything Goes + optional Veggie Stamping
Yep, you read that right... lettuce, celery, beets, carrots, green beans and dried beans to name a few... whatever vegetables you can think of! You can actually 'stamp' with them or use them some other way to create a background!
And here's some inspiration for you...

used beets
used bell pepper

used pickles

used lettuce
used bell pepper, celery, carrot, shallot and broccoli
Vicki definitely wins the prize for the most veggies used, lol! ;)
used baby carrots

used pasta (still a food)

Be sure to read our Playing Guidelines above and check out the challenges going on at our sister challenge blogs! 

This challenge will run for six weeks, ending at 4:00 PM Mountain Time on the 15th of next month, so grab your papers, scissors and embellishments, and mix it up with us!

The Mixed Up Girls

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

MIUCB #71 Anything Goes + optional Inlaid Die Cut / MIUCB #70 Winner & Top Picks

Hi everybody and welcome back to the Mix It Up Challenge Blog! Thanks to everyone who played in our last challenge! We really enjoyed seeing your projects, and your support of our challenges is much appreciated! So now let's announce our winner and top picks!

Our randomly chosen WINNER is
#22 pinky

And our TOP PICKS are
#1 carol gill
#18 Birgit
#47 Becca S
#63 Carole J
#79 MeSi

Congratulations, everyone! Please grab your badge above and proudly display it on your blog!

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I would like to remind everyone to PLEASE read our Playing Guidelines. I hate to harp on 'rules' but they are in place to keep things fair for everyone. We allow 8 entries into our challenges. We only allow blog entries and your blog post must list our specific challenge and link back to our specific challenge - not our main blog URL. If the linky tool is down, do not leave your link in a comment. Those who don't pay attention to the guidelines will not be eligible for winner/top pick honors and their project(s) may be deleted from the gallery.

Our theme this month is Anything Goes + optional Inlaid Die Cut (flat or raised)
and here's some inspiration for you...

Be sure to check out the challenges going on at our sister challenge blogs! 

This challenge will run for six weeks, ending at 4:00 PM Mountain Time on the 15th of next month, so grab your papers, scissors and embellishments, and mix it up with us!

The Mixed Up Girls

Friday, March 1, 2024

MIUCB #70 Anything Goes + optional Fancy Fold / MIUCB #69 Winner & Top Picks

Hi everybody and welcome back to the Mix It Up Challenge Blog! Thanks to everyone who played in our last challenge! We really enjoyed seeing your projects, and your support of our challenges is much appreciated! So now let's announce our winner and top picks!

Our randomly chosen WINNER is
#21 Loopyloo

And our TOP PICKS are
#10 Aimeslee
#27 Sparkling Pink
#48 Rosi
#60 Liliane
#71 Arlene
#86 Michelle M
#94 Cathy R

Congratulations, everyone! Please grab your badge above and proudly display it on your blog!

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Our theme this month is Anything Goes + optional Fancy Fold (2 or more folds)
and here's some inspiration for you...

Rachel (two cards!)

Be sure to read our Playing Guidelines above and check out the challenges going on at our sister challenge blogs! 

This challenge will run for six weeks, ending at 4:00 PM Mountain Time on the 15th of next month, so grab your papers, scissors and embellishments, and mix it up with us!

The Mixed Up Girls