Thursday, October 1, 2020

MIUCB #42 - Anything Goes + Distressing

Hi everyone and welcome back to the Mix It Up Challenge Blog! Thanks to everyone who played with us in last month's "Anything Goes + Foiling" challenge! We absolutely loved seeing all your awesome creations! Be sure to check back on the 5th of this month for the announcement of our Winner and Top Picks!

Okay, are you ready?! Our theme this month is...
Anything Goes + optional twist of Distressing (ink or tool)

Our challenges are always Anything Goes but we always offer an OPTIONAL technique twist just to inspire you! It's up to you whether or not you play the twist... just remember the twist is NOT mandatory to play! ;)

The Mixed Up Girls have been busy creating some pretty amazing stuff to get your mojo going! Take a look at these pretties...

Feel free to visit our designers' blogs for full details on their DT inspiration projects and take a moment or three to let them know you love what you see - it would totally make their day! And leave us a comment when you link up... we love reading your comments!

As a reminder, you can enter up to five projects in our challenges! And be sure to check out our sister blogs, Love To Scrap Challenge Blog and Love To Craft Challenge Blog, where you can enter up to five projects as well! We'd love to see you there! And if you've started creating your Christmas projects, join us over at our newest sister blog, Merry Little Christmas Challenge Blog!

This challenge will run all month long, ending at 4:00 PM Mountain Time on the last day of month, so grab your papers, scissors and embellishments, and mix it up with us!

The Mixed Up Girls


Catie Cuddles said...

Lovely samples from the dt

Doris Klein said...

Wow.. what amazing DT works! I love all those beautiful creations

Stay safe and lovely greetings
Kleido’s BastelStüble
*Owner* Do-Al(l) Kreatives
*List Manager* Challenges for Days
*GDT* Sweet Sketch Wednesday 2

Granmargaret said...

Thank you for the challenge. Lovely work by the design team.
I used distress inks and a distressing tool

Sandra Wright. said...

Beautiful makes from the design team...x

Gloria Shirr (purpleglo) said...

Thanks for the fabulous DT creations. Thank you for the challenges. Have a wonderful day! Hugs, Gloria

cass said...

I can't see the link up tool

Gloria Shirr (purpleglo) said...

Mr.Linky is not working. My entry is

LeslieT said...

Hi Gloria - the linky tool is active and working, so I've entered your project for you. It's entry #33. Thanks for playing with us this month!
Leslie, owner/designer

LeslieT said...

Hi cass - the linky tool is active and working, so please come back to link up your project. Thanks for playing with us this month!
Leslie, owner/designer

Gloria Shirr (purpleglo) said...

Thanks again Leslie. These silly Mr. Linky tools love to act up on us. LOL! I appreciate you posting my card for me. Hugs, Gloria